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The exchanges between the civilisations on the twin planets of Geos and Duplos unfold through the correspondence between Aimée Rastu, the first Duplosian to visit Geos and her lover, Arté. Personal lives and international politics intertwine as Rastu studies science and technology in a culture centuries in advance of her own, while also coping with pregnancy and giving birth under a higher gravity. On Duplos, her friends are immersed in the transformation of their pre-Newtonian culture as they seek to adapt to Geosian technology, while avoiding the mistakes of Geosian history; and to reunite with their isolated island neighbour.
Politics intrudes on Rastu’s life when she is taken hostage. She discovers hidden strength through her ordeal as she protects a royal child through the resulting chase across planet and space and eventual capture by apes and cheetahs.
Twin Worlds II Fair Exchange is the second book in the Twin World series and sequel to First Contact.