Home Page – The Twin World series
1 July 2021 Twin Worlds – First Contact is available for Kindle price £3.99 from Amazon.co.uk Twin Worlds: First Contact eBook : Arthur, Richard: Amazon.co.uk: Kindle Store or $5.49 from Amazon.com Amazon.com: Twin Worlds: First Contact eBook : Arthur, Richard: Kindle Store or on Kindle unlimited. The sequel is available from https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1919652914
17 April 2024 Twin Worlds III War of the Twins will soon be available on Amazon. Watch this space. Appendices and Maps from Book 3 are now on the Download page.
20 December 2021: Twin Worlds II Fair exchange is available as a paperback from today. Kindle Version will follow soon.
1 December 2021: I’ve missed my Autumn deadline for the publication of the second book in the series. But it should be out soon. I’m just making a few final edits and awaiting the cover design. Twin worlds II – Fair Exchange will be available from Amazon shortly.
16 October 2021: New Blog entry – written by Jezzie Peteschild
14 July The paperback is available £7.99 from Amazon.co.uk or $10.99 from Amazon.com. I have also made some changes to the Kindle edition, corrected some typos and moved the footnotes to within the text as they seemed to me be be unsatisfactory as endnotes where the Kindle publishing process put them and also the ‘links’ were not always working properly.
The planets Geos and Duplos form a binary system – each looming in the other’s sky as our earth appears from the moon and both worlds have intelligent life. Indeed their inhabitants can interact without having to find ways of countering relativity with its consequent limit of the speed of light.
The books in the series chronicle the early interactions between the two planets and explore the practical and ethical issues inherent in the meeting of very different cultures and civilisations. The books are to be enjoyed both as stories and as philosophical challenges.
The first book was launched in ebook and printed form in July 2021. It includes a number of appendices describing aspects of the two worlds, but just as Tolkien had to cut down the full list of his appendices from early versions of The Lord of the Rings, so I have reserved the fuller set of these appendices from the actual book. Instead, they are included here as a PDF file for you to download for free – enjoy!
The second book is due later in December. Following the Geosian landing on Duplos, one of the Duplosians travels to Geos to study modern Science and Engineering. The book charts the developments on the two planets as seen through the correspondence between this visitor and her home. Then disaster strikes. She finds herself mixed up in the collateral damage of a cold war together with a young prince from her host country.
And apologies to my daughter, while I do still include some mathematical bits, my characters still want sex!
more maths; less sex, please.
Author’s Daughter